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时间:2017-06-15 作者: 点击:


  青促会午间学术沙龙系列活动, 第二十三次活动时间 2017年6月7日(周三)北京时间13:00开始,活动地点:110会议室。请大家提前10分钟到场,并保持安静!

  订餐网址: ,订餐时间截止到6月6日(周二)中午14:00,请参加活动的同事及同学们务必在订餐系统中填写信息以便统计。 



  题目:Understanding Galaxy Evolution with Massive Starburst Galaxies 

  摘要:We are constantly intrigued by how dramatically galaxies evolve when we probe closer to the cosmic dawn. Ten billion years ago, galaxies were forming stars ten times more fiercely than they do today. This phenomenon can be understood in the framework of cold dark matter simulations only if star formation is suppressed in massive dark matter halos. However, the physical mechanisms responsible for the suppression are unclear. Starburst galaxies in massive halos offer a unique laboratory to constrain the suppression processes, because, unlike most galaxies, such processes have apparently failed to operate in these starbursts. Thanks to the Herschel Space Telescope and the South Pole Telescope, for the first time we have identified a rare sample of gravitationally lensed or hyperluminous starbursts at the peak epoch of cosmic star formation. I will show how high-resolution multi-phase observations have helped us gain a comprehensive understanding of these unusual galaxies. I will also describe an ongoing project aimed at constraining the halo-scale gas supply of such massive starbursts. By contrasting with normal galaxies, the results of these studies will be fundamental to a physical understanding of galaxy evolution. 
